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Royal Caribbean Photos

Royal Cruise Photos

A section within the Royal Caribbean app that allows the user to purchase their cruise photos right from their phones.


Royal Caribbean has access to some of the most talented photographers aboard. The cruise line also travels through some of the most picturesque spots in the world. However, it is difficult to get these photos in front of our guests for an easy purchase.


We designed and created a prototype to test the prices and the checkout flow for this new feature.
Royal Caribbean Photos

The Team

Derek Major
Luis Ricardo La Torre
As the product designer I worked together with Derek Mayor the Project Manager to visualize the project towards development.


We had four weeks to design, prototype, and test upselling prices. We also had to user test the slider on the checkout flow.




We conducted early interviews with our guests to learn how they purchased vacation photos in the past. We also looked into how Disney Photo Pass to see how one of our biggest competitors approached the problem.
Royal Caribbean Photos Interviews


We decided the touchpoint where we could have the most impact was the checkout to increase conversions.
Royal Caribbean Photos Interviews


During the early stages, we created something guests can play with and tell us what they think. We tested button style, ux copy as well interactions.
Royal Caribbean Photos Early design


We conducted five interviews, and tested multiple variations of the “Call To Action” using tools like Usability.com to see what could convert the best. We conducted five interviews.
Royal Caribbean Photos Testing


We were able to nail down the purchase options as well as confirm the slider interaction on the checkout. We simplified the animations and cleaned up the copy for the confirmation screen thanks to the feedback.